Source code for noisify.faults.utilities

.. Dstl (c) Crown Copyright 2019

Fault utility functions, general purpose code that is used by multiple functions.
import random

[docs]def scramble(collection, scrambledness, confusion_range): """ Scrambles the order of objects in a collection using a gaussian distribution, can lead to duplicate objects :param collection: :param scrambledness: How likely two objects are to be switched :param confusion_range: How far apart objects can be confused with one another :return: """ new_collection = [] visited_indices = set() for index, item in enumerate(collection): if random.random() <= scrambledness: index = int(abs(index + (confusion_range * (random.random() - 0.5)))) if index not in visited_indices and index < len(collection): new_collection.append(collection[index]) visited_indices.add(index) else: closest_remaining = float('inf') closest_index = None for unvisited_index in range(len(collection)): if unvisited_index in visited_indices: continue difference = abs(unvisited_index - index) if difference < closest_remaining: closest_remaining = difference closest_index = unvisited_index new_collection.append(collection[closest_index]) return new_collection
[docs]def dropped_scramble(collection, scrambledness, confusion_range): """ Scrambles objects in a collection, with a chance to lose some objects :param collection: :param scrambledness: How likely two objects are to be switched :param confusion_range: How far apart objects can be confused with one another :return: """ return [i for i in scramble(collection, scrambledness, confusion_range) if random.random() > scrambledness / 10]