Source code for noisify.faults.report_faults

.. Dstl (c) Crown Copyright 2019

Report level faults typically comprise faults that depend on multiple attributes. For example switching attribute
from .fault import Fault
from .utilities import scramble
import random
import copy

[docs]class ScrambleAttributes(Fault): """Switches the values of different attribute_readers within the object. By default it will apply to all attribute_readers.""" def __init__(self, likelihood=0.1, attribute_identifiers=None): """ Swaps the values of different attribute_readers in an object, can be restricted to a subset of all the attribute_readers using the optional attribute_identifiers keyword argument :param likelihood: :param attribute_identifiers: """ self.scrambledness = likelihood self.attribute_identifiers = attribute_identifiers Fault.__init__(self, likelihood=likelihood, attribute_identifiers=attribute_identifiers)
[docs] @register_implementation(priority=1) def numpy_array(self, array_like): """Swaps random cells in a numpy array-like object""" import numpy as np old_value_indices = [i for i in np.ndenumerate(array_like)] out_array = array_like.copy() scrambled_values = scramble([i[1] for i in old_value_indices], self.scrambledness, 3) for coordinate, value in zip((i[0] for i in old_value_indices), scrambled_values): out_array[coordinate] = value return out_array
[docs] @register_implementation(priority=5) def pillow_image(self, pillow_image): """Swaps random pixels in a PIL Image""" x_size, y_size = pillow_image.size out_image = pillow_image.copy() pixels = out_image.load() for i in range(int(x_size * y_size * min(float(self.scrambledness)/10, 1.0) / 4)): x1 = random.randint(0, x_size-1) x2 = random.randint(0, x_size-1) y1 = random.randint(0, y_size-1) y2 = random.randint(0, y_size-1) pixels[x2, y2] = pixels[x1, y1] return out_image
[docs] @register_implementation(priority=10) def impact_dictionary(self, dictionary_object): """Swaps random values in a dictionary""" confusable_attribute_identifiers = list(dictionary_object.keys()) new_attribute_order = scramble(confusable_attribute_identifiers, self.scrambledness, 3) output = {} for expected_attribute, found_attribute in zip(confusable_attribute_identifiers, new_attribute_order): output[expected_attribute] = dictionary_object[found_attribute] return output
[docs]class ConfuseSpecificAttributes(Fault): """Swaps a specific pair of attribute values in a given object""" def __init__(self, attribute1, attribute2, likelihood=0): """Takes the two attribute_readers (as keys or strings) to be swapped and the likelihood of the swap taking place""" self.attribute1 = attribute1 self.attribute2 = attribute2 Fault.__init__(self, attribute1, attribute2, likelihood=likelihood)
[docs] @register_implementation(priority=10) def impact_dictionary(self, dictionary_object): """Support for dictionary like objects""" output = copy.deepcopy(dictionary_object) output[self.attribute1], output[self.attribute2] = \ (dictionary_object[self.attribute2], dictionary_object[self.attribute1]) return output
[docs]class LoseEntireReport(Fault): """ Replaces entire report with None, activates according to set likelihood. """ def __init__(self, likelihood=0): """ Instantiate with likelihood of interruption as a 0-1 float. :param likelihood: """ Fault.__init__(self, likelihood=likelihood) pass
[docs] @register_implementation(priority=10) def impact_truth(self, truth): """Just returns None!""" return None