Source code for noisify.faults.fault

.. Dstl (c) Crown Copyright 2019

The base classes for faults.
from noisify.helpers import SavedInitStatement
from typing import get_type_hints
import random
from noisify.helpers.multi_dispatch import MultipleDispatch

[docs]class Fault(SavedInitStatement, metaclass=MultipleDispatch): """ Fault base class. Requires implementations to be registered in its subclasses. Subclasses register implementations with the "register_implementation(priority=x)" decorator. All implementations will be attempted using a try except loop which will except Type, Attribute and Import errors. If no implementations succeed, the Fault will return the original object, unchanged. By default faults are constitutively active, this can be overridden at instantiation by providing a 'likelihood' keyword argument with a probability of activation as a float. Example Usage: >>> class AddOneFault(Fault): ... def condition(self, triggering_object): ... return True ... ... @register_implementation(priority=2) ... def make_uppercase(self, lowercase_string): ... return lowercase_string.upper() ... ... @register_implementation(priority=1) ... def add_to_int_string(self, integer_object): ... return int(str(integer_object) + "1") ... >>> adder = AddOneFault() >>> adder.impact("testing priority") 'TESTING PRIORITY' >>> adder.impact(1234) 12341 This decorator will also honour any type hints in the decorated function. Example: >>> class AddOneFault(Fault): ... @register_implementation(priority=1) ... def make_uppercase(self, lowercase_string: str): ... print('Called uppercase function') ... return lowercase_string.upper() ... ... @register_implementation(priority=2) ... def add_to_int_string(self, integer_object: int): ... print('Called integer adding function') ... return int(str(integer_object) + "1") ... >>> adder = AddOneFault() >>> adder.impact("testing annotation") Called uppercase function 'TESTING ANNOTATION' >>> adder.impact(1234) Called integer adding function 12341 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): SavedInitStatement.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if 'likelihood' in kwargs: self.likelihood = kwargs['likelihood'] else: self.likelihood = 1.0 pass
[docs] def condition(self, triggering_object): """ Base condition method, applies fault either constitutively or according to a likelihood argument at instantiation. :param triggering_object: Can be used to create object-type dependant activation in overridden methods :return: Boolean of whether or not the fault applies """ return random.random() < self.likelihood
[docs] def apply(self, not_faulted_object): """ Applies the fault to an object, returns self and the new object if the activation condition is met. :param not_faulted_object: :return: self or None, impacted_object """ if self.condition(not_faulted_object): new_observation = self.impact(not_faulted_object) return self, new_observation return None, not_faulted_object
[docs] def impact(self, impacted_object): """ Attempts to apply the fault to an object, cycles through all implementations until one succesfully executes. If none execute it will return the original object, unharmed. :param impacted_object: :return: """ for implementation, priority in self._implementations: type_hints = get_type_hints(implementation) if type_hints: accepted_type = [i for i in type_hints.values()][0] if isinstance(impacted_object, accepted_type): return implementation(self, impacted_object) else: continue try: return implementation(self, impacted_object) except TypeError: continue except AttributeError: continue except ImportError: continue return impacted_object
@property def name(self): return type(self).__name__ def __repr__(self): return 'Fault: %s %s' % (, self.init_statement)
[docs]class AttributeFault(Fault): """ Derived base class for attribute_readers, adds mapping behaviour which enables attribute faults to be added at higher levels of data representation. For example: >>> from noisify.faults import GaussianNoise >>> noise = GaussianNoise(sigma=0.5) >>> noise.impact(100) 100.66812113455995 >>> noise.impact({'A group': 100, 'of numbers': 123}) {'of numbers': 122.83439465953323, 'A group': 99.69284150349345} """
[docs] def condition(self, triggering_object): """ Overrides the condition method to be constitutively active at the initial mapping stage. :param triggering_object: :return: """ if isinstance(triggering_object, dict): return True else: return Fault.condition(self, triggering_object)
[docs] @register_implementation(priority=0) def map_fault(self, truth_object): """ Attempts to apply the fault to all subitems of the given object, in practice this means calling the fault on all values of a dict. :param truth_object: :return: """ try: for attribute, value in truth_object.items(): if self.condition(value): truth_object[attribute] = self.impact(value) return truth_object except AttributeError: raise TypeError